Hair loss is a common problem affecting millions of people. Find out how to prevent hair loss.
Prevent Hair Loss
When you start finding your hair strands floating
under the shower after shampooing or when you find that your comb has
more hair than your head, there is a pretty good chance that you are
facing the problem of hair loss. If stress, lack of balanced diet,
irregular sleeping patterns or the wrong choice of hair-care products
has landed you in excessive loss of hair, then you can probably find a
cure for the problem.
On the other hand, if you are genetically predisposed to hair loss, you
would rather have to keep your fingers crossed, because baldness can
strike you any day. However, you can always prevent hair loss in both
the cases completely, or at least reduce the number of strands falling
off. Here in this article, we have provided some surefire solutions to
prevent hair loss.
Hair Loss Solution
- Overuse of hair dyes, hairdryer and curling iron can aggravate
the problem of hair loss, leading to baldness. Hence, do not use
such products on a regular basis, if you are facing the problem of
excessive loss of hair.
- In case you are coloring your hair on a regular basis, be sure to
leave a gap of at least 6 to 8 weeks between each session. This will
prevent hair loss. Let your hair turn gray naturally. After all, it
is better to sport gray hair than baldness!
- Tight hairstyles such as braids, buns and ponytails can also lead
to hair loss. The best way to prevent hair loss is to adopt easy
- Hair follicles are made of protein. Therefore, it is advisable to
eat a diet rich in protein. Include protein-rich food such as
low-fat cheese, eggs, almond, beans sprouts, fish, seafood and
yogurt in your diet. Soy milk and tofu are smart additions to the
diet, as they are enriched with protein.
- Calcium is another important nutrient for strengthening the hair
follicles and roots in your scalp. Hence, include food rich in
calcium in your diet.
- The next thing to a balanced diet is sound sleep. Do not
compromise with seven hours of sleep, because irregular sleeping
pattern is one of the leading causes for hair loss. Therefore, make
sure that you sleep enough and on time.
- Hair care products should be chosen carefully, because they would
directly affect the growth of your hair. Never use harsh shampoos,
conditioners or stylizing products, because they would have a
negative effect on the growth of your hair on account of prolonged
use. If any such product causes hair loss, visit a dermatologist and
some products that are suitable for your hair.
- Alcohol and tobacco are the root causes for majority of hair loss
problems. Hence, quit habits such as smoking and consumption of
- Certain medications can also lead to hair loss. Therefore,
consult your physician in case any medicine causes the heavy loss of
- Try to use hair care products that have organic ingredients, like
the herbal ones. Since such products contain less harsh chemicals,
they are often suggested to people suffering from the problem of
hair loss.