Daily skin & facial care makes us look more
charming and beautiful. By following some easy tips, you can look
younger and more beautiful without spending too much of extra time and
money. Before beginning you skin care regime, consider your skin type,
is it oily, normal, combination, dry, sensitive, or sun-damaged. After
knowing your skin type, you can use products available in the market
meant for your skin. However, healthy skin is something that is from
within; eating healthy food and avoiding stress can help you the most in
this. The four basic steps of skin and facial care are:
Start your skin care with cleansing. Get a cleanser that suits your skin
type. Steer clear of soaps as they make your skin dry; cleansers on the
other hand contain oil, surfactants and water. Cleanser helps to remove
oil, dirt and makeup from your skin effectively. However, using cleanser
too often can also be harmful; at times just washing your face at night
is enough. In the morning, it's great to use a splash of lukewarm water
to remove excess oils from your skin caused by nightly moisturizer.
Scrubs are very useful for removing the top layer of dead skin cells
that make your complexion dull. A gentle scrub with tiny grains is the
best for all skin types, as big grains in cheap scrubs can tear your
skin and can cause rather more harm than good. You can also use a
half-teaspoon of sugar for scrubbing your face. Keep rubbing it until it
melts away and then wipe off your face with a warm & wet cloth.
Thrash of the flour can also be used for scrubbing. You can also find
some good scrubs in the market.
Moisturizer is a must for everyone, no matter which skin type you have.
Even oily skin will benefit from moisturizers. Only the skin with acne
should avoid it. Your skin will tell you that how much moisturizer is
needed. If your skin is tight, it means that it needs moisture, but do
not over moisturize your skin as it can cause clogged pores. You can go
for any of the good quality moisturizers available in the market, but
make sure that you read the information written on it as for which skin
type it may be used. Olive oil can also be used to give your face
required moisture, but it can only be used in winters.
Use Sun-Screen
The skin care you're doing can go waste if you don't have the habit of
using sun-screen lotion. Yes, the UV Rays of the Sun adversely affect
our skin, even causing skin cancer. It is important to make a protection
shield on your skin while going out. Skin care is not only about doing
cleansing, scrubbing and moisturizing, but it's also about maintaining.
Apply sun-screen lotion daily on exposed parts of the body on daily
basis to avoid tanning and other skin-related problems.
Some Other Skin-Care Tips
Along with your face, other parts of your body also need care. If your
eyes look puffy or swollen, wash your face and cover your eyes with
sliced potatoes or cucumbers for a few minutes. This is really effective
in the morning. Clean you nails with white vinegar before applying nail
polish for a smoother finish and make it last longer. Olive oil mixed
with melted beeswax can serve as a great lip balm. Try all these tips
suggested and get prepared for receiving bunch of compliments for your
glowing & youthful skin.