Beauty tips for skin care, hair care and make up advice to help you look beautiful and fashionable.
Beauty is not only skin-deep. The first impression that affects a person forever about an individual forms in only ten seconds and is mostly based on visual impression of a person that includes his or her attire, personality, style and body language. Women have been aware of using this first impression to their advantage since thousands of years, almost by instinct. We know that ancient Egyptians and their mysterious Queen Cleopatra used many cosmetics, milk and rose petal baths, fragrances and many other methods to enhance their beauty. Kohl and opulence attire is perhaps the best reminiscent of those days. Women have used essences of flowers to color their lips and have braided their hair in multitude of styles, curled them, permed them and colored them in their attempts to look more and more beautiful and look young forever.
Today, beauty industry is very well developed and organized with many inventions and thousands of cosmetics as its tools and fulfill the dream of any woman to look like a celebrity diva in a jiffy. There are facials, manicure, pedicure, hair treatments and makeup that have given a boost to the dream of ultimate beauty. We have covered our articles on hair, makeup and skin care in three major sections that are true to best of our knowledge and should be quite helpful to any girl or lady who is trying to perfect her skills or just trying to gain more information before going in for a complete makeover session. We have provided articles on most of the common cosmetics used by women, how to choose and apply them properly and have thrown in beauty secrets that will help you to achieve the specific look you are craving for. So, now it's time to take a splash in the world of beauty and style