Check out how to take good care of your hand skin by going through these hand skin care tips.
Hand Skin Care
Hands speak a lot about you. They tell how much you care about yourselves, how you live your life and love your body. It is said that hands reduce a woman�s age several years. Beautiful hands make your personality make your personality much more impressive. Here are some tips on hand care.
Take care not to let the skin on hands dry. Moisturize them often to keep off the winkles. Put the hands again in water after washing them with soap, and scrub them with salt. Then dry the hands with a towel and apply a hand cream or lotion. Moisturizer would ensure healthy skin and also save them from cold which often leads to colds and flu infections.
Lotion, Mixture and Treatments
Before venturing out, use sunscreen lotion on hands. It would save skin from sun exposure which damages skin. Create a mixture of glycerin, lemon juice and a few drops of rose water. Use it to massage your hands thrice a week. For keeping your hands soft and supple forever, use special treatments like a warm oil bath and herbal therapies. A protective barrier would always be helpful for your skin.
Nail Care
Increase the time between coloring your nails. It would help better and healthy nails to develop. Never remove cuticles. There presence protects your nails from infection. Nails are sometimes so soft that they often break. In such a case, it is recommended to soak the nails in warm olive oil for around twenty minutes every alternate day to make them hard and unbreakable. While eating, nails could get stains. To remove these stains, it is suggested to soak the nails in lemon water. Avoid using acetone polish removers for these dry out nails.
Using Hand Cream
Make a habit of using hand cream often. Keep a bottle of it in a place which you visit frequently. Apply hand care cream several times in a day for keeping the hands soft and smooth.
Use of Gloves
Keep gloves while gardening or washing dishes. It would protect your hands from dust, pollution and chemical reactions at all times by wearing gloves while doing.
Pat Your Hands
Keep patting your hands dry frequently. It would prevent the evaporation from drying out water or fungal infections from developing.
Using Cornmeal
Cornmeal cleanse and softens hands efficiently. So you can extensively use it. Rubbing cormeal on the hands is very helpful, if the hands get greasy.