Like the rest of your body, your feet too need exercise to stay in great shape. Check out strengthening Exercises for foot and ankle.
Foot Exercises
Our body needs exercise to stay healthy and function
properly. Foot is also one of the most important parts of our body. It
is this part of our body that helps in movement and therefore, demands
appropriate care and attention. It absorbs a tremendous amount of
pressure the whole day. However, when it comes to exercises, we mostly
tend to neglect it. Excessive walking and pressure can lead to the
weakening and fatigue of the foot and toe muscles. Performing simple
foot exercises can go a long way in building muscle tone, relieving
fatigue, preventing cramping, and foot pain. The best exercise for your
feet is walking barefoot on green grass. Apart from that, you can
practice a number of exercises to strengthen your feet. Some of the
beneficial foot exercises have been mentioned below:
Foot Exercises
Foot Stretch
Sit on the floor and keep your legs stretched out in front of you. Now,
loop a towel around your feet. While keeping your heels on the floor,
pull the towel with both ends, using it to draw the middle of the foot
and toes towards the body. Hold the position for 4-5 seconds and slowly
come back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
Ankle Stretch
Stand straight, with your legs pressed together. Now, lift up one of
your knees, as high as it is possible for you. Next, flex your ankle
back as far as you can. Then, extend your leg forward, pivoting at the
knee, and flex the ankle forward as far as you can. Repeat the exercise
5-6 times.
Marble Pick-up
Place about 20 marbles on the floor. Try picking up those marble with
the help of the fingers of your feet. This exercise provides flexibility
to your feet and also helps strengthens it.
To strengthen the muscles of your feet, cycling is one of the best
exercises. When you indulge in cycling, almost all the muscles of your
feet are put to work and get strengthened. It also helps ensure proper
blood circulation to your feet.
Toe Pulls
Put a thick rubber band around your toes. Now, try to stretch the foot
fingers as far as you can. You can repeat the process for about 10
times. Avoid the exercise in case of any injury in the fingers or toes.
Toe Raises & Toe Curls
Sit on the floor and keep your legs stretched out in front of you. Try
to curl the fingers of your feet and raise the heels of feet. Hold the
position for about 5 seconds and repeat 4-5 times.